
School of Architecture - Technical University of Crete

Tzompanakis Alexios

Associate Professor

Architectural Design

Short biographical note

Architect "Prima Facoltà di Architettura", "Sapienza" University, Rome.
PhD (Three-Year Scholarship ' Grade Granted: "Excellent") in Architectural Composition-Theories of Architecture, "Sapienza" University, Rome, 2008.
In 2012 he published, by Alinea (Florence), his monograph «Labirinti mediterranei. Tessuto paesaggio e spazialità tra Europa e periferia ellenica», which analyzes the relationship between Greece and Europe in the contemporary condition through the reference to the concept of Mediterranean-ness. The aim of the monograph wal also to bring light to the hidden aspects and influences within the Modern Moement.
At Romes' "Sapienza" University, where he was teaching fellow and adjunct lecturer from 2002 to 2008, he collaborated in many research projects on contemporary infrastructure landscapes.
From 2008 he has been teaching at the School of Architecture, Technical University of Crete, where he has been elected in the academic field of "Architectural Design" in 2009.
His research interests focus primarily in architectural and urban design, as well as on issues related to the transformation of the urban landscape during the transition from Modernity to Postmodernity, and the relationship between urban/architectural design in historical urban contexts. The research on these topics is carried out through teaching, professional activity, participation in architectural/urban design competitions, as well as conferences and workshops.
He has participated in 36 national and international design competitions receiving 10 awards, 32 exhibitions of architecture and more than 20 conferences and workshops in Greece, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Turkey, Finland, Russia, Belarus, Japan.


Research Interests

  • Relationship between Modernity and Postmdernity in architectural Theory
  • Urban structures of the Mediterranean cities in the contemporary condition




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