The course aims to explore new digital media, thus creating innovative practices in Architectural Design. In that respect, the fourth dimension is integrated into the 3D models, aiming at presenting the architectural concept through movement in space. Our movement in space, the speed, the camera position, light and materials, and even sound, significantly affects the perception we have of that space and how we interact with it. Interaction applies to two components: one concerns the movement of the viewer (the camera) in space and the other concerns the movements of interactive parts of space (e.g. parts of a building that change). In addition, the fifth dimension (5D) is introduced, which concerns behaviour, and in particular how the previous four dimensions determine the interactions of the individual elements of the space. As viewers/users, we are now able not only to passively observe, but to actively intervene in the shaping of spatial scenarios and thus - in a sense - to extract from the original composer part of his/her compositional initiative.