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Τρίτη διάλεξη χειμερινού εξαμήνου ΠΜΣ, Renato Vivaldi-Tesser, Is building in wood enough? Παρασκευή 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2021, ώρα 19.00

Renato Vivaldi-Tesser
Αρχιτέκτων Χιλή, Ιδρυτής γραφείου Taller Puertazul

Is building in wood enough?
Παρασκευή 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2021, ώρα 19.00
In the archipelago of Chiloé in the Chilean Patagonia, a sea and forests universe, a "wood culture” is consolidated. Everything is made of wood. Objects, architectures, mythology.
That was the starting point for our architecture studio “Puertazul” that, since the 70s, made it a point to reinterpret the Archipelago traditional architecture in a contemporary key.
Previously, for more than 400 years, the only existing architecture had been carried out by its inhabitants, without the presence of architects, with a unique material, wood, and a unique construction system, the balloon frame.
Today, 150 architects live and work there. Each one with its own proposal. Chiloé turned out to be a fashionable place and important gentrification processes are underway.
With an additional effort, architecture can once again become an instrument of convergence with the territory, with a material, with the local culture.
Now it is up to politics to do its part.  
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